
Welcome to Kids Summer Camp San Diego Style. This is how we live, how we value our communities and give back doing so.

Kids Summer Camp San Diego is your Number 1 source for detailed San Diego Summer Camps.





So much More. Each Camp will share the best of the best with updated reviews and member involvement. This is a community based service dedicated to giving the future of San Diego the very best.


Kids Summer Camp

Welcome to Kids Summer Camp San Diego. We Value the lifestyle of San Diego and want to embrace that fun meets fitness Summer Fun.

Lets talk about what we what to share and support in the future leaders of San Diego. Listing with updated reviews, 3rd party reviews, and so much more.

Kids Summer Camp San Diego, is open market for approved Summer Camps, Winter Camps and organized youth activities.  What do we provide that other memberships can not deliver?

Each Section directs you to the camp that best fits your child’s interest. Academic Camps, geared toward learning fun, getting ahead in school and adventure.

Sports Camp – Say no more lets get that extra attention, lets allow the kids to become amazing at what they love.

Art Camps –  Lets bring out the artist soul in the lil persons dreams. If you have a child that loves art, drawing and other activities.

We limit the source to only verifiable organizations. What this means to the families is, the camps have been personally visited, members met and community interest are the priority.


The Why factor? Kids Summer Camp San Diego is a one of kind member to organization provider review service. We are the source to share what others value and keep everyone moving the education of our San Diego future ever bright.

The Why Factor? We want to be better than others, we want to know the provider choice you share with your family becomes a building block of happiness.  Kids Summer Camp San Diego takes great care in not over booking a area, we want only the best and to know what members value.

Everyone sharing the summer, knows the pleasure and memories of day camps, new friends, new adventures and knowing your child is given the best summer fun experience.


Kids Summer Camp San Diego

9811 Mira Mesa Blvd

San Diego ,CA 921 31